Different Minds, Frequencies, Awareness Using MB types
Author Walter Lowen, a physicist, became interested in brain mapping as it related to personality. His book Dichotomies of the Mind (Wiley, 1982) presented these concepts in great scientific
Faced with information overload, we have no alternative but pattern recognition. -Marshall McLuhan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
detail. With the use of various brain scanning devices he was able to name specific parts of the brain. Lowen’s work draws on Jungian psychology, miscellaneous theories of the mind, and principles of information theory and systems engineering. Written in the language of mathematics, computers, and psychology to build a model of the organization underlying intelligence.
I read the book in 1982, and recently refound my notes. I remember not liking his theory much because it was Darwinian. Lowen asserted that the types progress from the most primitive to the most advanced, as in the table below.
16 portals for innovation
What I like about the table is that it shows 16 very different and related points of view that are inherent and unstated. Each portal for innovation can help to anticipate obstacles | opportunities for generating new ideas, making new decisions and taking new actions.
Lowen’s type hypotheses
According to Lowen, the types pay attention to four data sources:
- Signals within the body (SF)
- Signs from the physical world (ST)
- Symbols (NF)
- Strategies (NT)
Within each of those four areas are stages
- Identification (EP)
- Pattern recognition (IP)
- Contrast recognition (EJ)
- The gestalt (IJ)
Type Code | Description |
ESFP | Identify personal physical signals. |
ISFP | Match signals with personal past physical signals. |
ESFJ | Contrast personal physical signals. |
ISFJ | Control personal physical signals. |
ESTP | Identify people and things. |
ISTP | Recognize features of people and things. |
ESTJ | Sort people and things according to quantified information. |
ISTJ | Routine: Consciously seek out and use people and things toward a purpose. Order the steps necessary to take to get something done. |
ENFP | Combine unrelated things. |
INFP | Harmony: Evaluate the quality of the combination ‘feeling right’. |
ENFJ | Preference: Make value judgements, give opinions about the combination. |
INFJ | Association: Give meaning to what two different things might have in common, subtle differences. |
ENTP | Strategy: Identify plot for dealing with complex tasks. |
INTP | Pattern: Cluster information, including strategies, notices inconsistencies. |
ENTJ | Logic: Sort complex data into a sequence of cause and effect. |
INTJ | Structure: Find the one idea that unifies many ideas; essential definitions. |
For reference see:
Marci Segal, MS
Freeing Leaders’ thinking so they can create new futures.
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