Apple overtakes Microsoft. What's next, eh?

Article from Reuters

It was bound to happen.  For lots of reasons.  Here’s a question, or two.

  • Who or what is the next Goliath to fall?
  • Who or what is the next David? What innovation will occur that shifts our ways of thinking and behaving?
  • What firmly held belief do you have that might be challenged within the next year or so, proven that it was founded on a principle akin to ‘the world is flat’, or ‘why would you want a camera on your phone’?
  • What do you believe is impossible that will be attainable?

I truly believe that World Creativity and Innovation Week April 15 – 21 will become a global celebration. It unleashes creative potential. WCIW includes everyone celebrating choice to use creativity (new ideas and new decisions) to make the world a better place and to make their place in the world better too, as best they can, without causing harm. What if WCIW is one of the next David’s that slay (or replace) outmoded values and thinking?

Other people may think it’s impossible.  Not me.

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