Toronto’s Economic Incentive Idea – Make Meth

People used to refer to my home town as Toronto the Good. Another name emerged as it grew to be Canada’s biggest city: the Big Smoke. Now I don’t know what to call it, Wanton-ville?

AMC’s Breaking Bad’s RV in which the lead characters of this hit TV show cooked meth amphetamine is touring the city for two weeks. Anyone visiting the van can don the apparel and go through the steps the actors took on camera to make it look like they were doing a ‘cook’. See The timing couldn’t have been better to deliver an important message. It’s obvious.

Torontonians’ will learn to cook meth so they’ll have work to fall back on in the tough economic times ahead.  Our crack smoking Mayor is leading the charge.

Honestly, since when is it okay to teach people how to make illegal substances?  There’s something very worrisome about this picture.

From a creativity point of view – it’s a novel idea – to have the Breaking Bad RV come to town in support of the final season DVD launch.  It pushes the boundaries too and garners attention. What about the kids though?  Do we need to be concerned about what we put in front of them as condoned activities?  Just wondering.


Marci Segal, MS

Freeing leaders’ thinking so they can create new futures.



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