Moving forward by saying goodbye. REM's anthem.

While beginnings are often inspiring, fresh, full of possibility and potential, endings can be sad. Emotional investments for  comfort are cashed in, replaced with anxiety of the new. Creativity Professionals owe it to their clients to help build confidence in the transition.  Successfully moving forward involves also saying goodbye. Wouldn’t it be nice if as […]

Brains, dopamine and gadgets: are faciliation and leadership practices changing?

Great insight into what’s happening to our wired techno-addicted brains from NPR’s program, Fresh Air, describing findings from New York Times technology and telecommunications reporter Matt Richtel. The findings triggered my thinking: is the dopamine squirt that accompanies the immediate feedback from our current gadgetry being accounted for by facilitators and leaders?  How much of […]

Elitism in Creative Class literature. Help or hinder creativity?

The Martin Prosperity Institute is redefining society into three classes: Creative, Service and Working.  This graphic shows their percentage representation in Toronto. Their classification does not support the notion that all people have creative ability or are creative. This troubles me. Implications: Service and Working Classes are asked to use their creativity at work, they […]

Creativity Crisis in the US – a rebuttal

What a fresh perspective.  Just read Micheal Schrage’s Harvard Business Review blog post “Creativity Crisis, What Creativity Crisis” and absolutely adored his commentary.  You’ve got to read it for yourself.  New ideas and new decisions for creating exciting new futures in creativity.  Thanks Michael! A few highlights “Yes, America’s economy is awful. But so what? […]

Facilitating client creativity: who owns the results?

Here’s an example of a client creative process in action. In this clip a designer is meeting with the client group to achieve a desirable outcome.  Even though design as shown may not be your discipline, I’m wondering if you have had similar experiences when working with others. Creativity Professionals’ work requires them to not […]

Want to inspire children's creativity? Read this.

Culture shift time. When I was growing up creativity was considered bad manners unless it was in the arts or sciences.  That’s changed.  Now we want children to embrace their creativity and expect teachers to nurture students’ capacity to generate new ideas and make new decisions. Herein begins a new movement to inspire creativity daily.  […]

Going to London UK? Augmented reality app to time travel while you are there

Augmented reality is coming to a tube station near you. Imagine the ideation sessions you can have while on a tour of the city!  New ideas, new decisions – here’s proof of a doorway opening for exciting new futures. What I really like about this is the stimulation for new thinking.  You’ve got the present […]

Innovation means different, not bigger. Charles Handy.

Charles Handy is a British author and social philosopher who spoke at a 2009 Drucker Centennial lecture. In this short cartoon, the Drucker Institute brought Handy’s words to life, illustrating the distinction between healthy growth and unchecked “growth for growth’s sake.” Related Articles Innovate or Die: Drucker Apps Looks at Creative Destruction and Innovation ( […]