Is commitment to meeting times a challenge?

An outdated clock with a serious icon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Greetings all.  A few quick questions.

Do people ask for a call with you, by phone or Skype and then either

  • call much later than planned, or
  • change the time/date just on the cusp of the call occurring?
Last week a respected colleague was 20 minutes late for both of the phone calls we arranged at that person’s asking.  In both instances the person said ‘this never happens’ and offered up reasons for being late each time it happened. This morning, 10 minutes before another arranged phone meeting from a different  colleague was to happen, his email request to move it to tomorrow popped into my in-basket.
Because these instances are happening so close together, I’m wondering if you can help me test a theory.
  1. Does this happen to you too? Are people calling you later than planned or asking to reschedule meetings last-minute? If yes, are you noticing this happening more often than in the past? Do you foresee tardiness for meetings increasing or decreasing in the future?
  2. Are you someone who asks to change meeting plans last-minute?  If yes, do you notice doing this more often than in the past?  Any insights in terms of what might be driving the behaviour? Do you foresee this behaviour changing in the future?

Many people talk about losing control these days as conditions continue to erupt and change. This tiny repeated last-minute-meeting-changing behaviour might show how uncertainty is a part of our day-to-day lives if my theory holds.

Where does innovation and creativity fit into this picture?  Creativity involves using new ideas and making new decisions brought about by tapping the imagination and challenging assumptions.  What can we assume about meeting times, and how best to manage the expectations of when they will start and stop?

What if, eh?