
Creativityland frees leaders’ thinking so they can create new futures.  What’s unique about our approach is that we fully value what’s important for the participant – involvement, autonomy, protection, understanding, participation, leisure, creation, freedom, and respect as we also value the purpose for your contracting the program – collaboration, cohesion, alignment, productivity, and of course, results. We prepare participants before an engagement, conduct a program and then follow-up with feedback, pointers and/coaching, as required.

Our workshop creation is emergent, that means we work together to finalize the programs are finalized with you to specifically meet your objectives. Some examples follow.


What iffing – making ideas for the future real

A little strategic foresight goes a long way.

In a ‘what iffing’ workshop participants engage imagination to consider conditions in the near and far future to invent scenarios they can move towards making real.  Experts from relevant fields are interviewed their insights and visions to provide fodder for participants’ imagination to envision what might and could be.


Know your creativity – upfront and personal

This workshop provides a safe and protected gateway into accessing imagination and productivity.  The Myers Briggs Type Indicator ® Instrument together with the FourSight Breakthrough Thinking profiles are used in tandem for participants to personalize their creative experience – to get to know how they are unique, what they offer, and what they need from others to start, imagine, design and carry out meaningful and productive change.


Language for working with change

What and how messages are delivered influences the ways people respond.

This workshop provides participants with rugged practice in voicing change oriented statements and showcases what people need to hear and feel so they feel encouraged, comfortable and confident bringing new topics and ideas forward.


Know-Thyself-Creativity for Facilitators: Archetypes, Jung and MB types

Creativity professionals help people leap beyond what is known and safely navigate toward new futures.  Facilitators design sessions, engage participants, prepare the space, and keep energy going so that each person is at his/her best and feels welcome to share new ideas and risk making new decisions.  When facilitators are really good, no one can see them sweat; they make facilitating look easy.

Good facilitators curate mood-setting and imagination-spurring activities using a variety of behaviours, tools, and methods. They choreograph and improvise as needed to engage people to share their thinking. Good facilitators are aware of the dynamics of the people in the room; they monitor and manage for the highs and lows throughout the session. Good facilitators are also self-aware, they know their areas of strength, curiosity, drive and also what weakens them.

This workshop is a Master Class. It provides profound insights into psychological orientations for creativity using Jungian archetypes in a structured process. Using the frame of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® instrument, facilitators will find new language to understand their own creative process and how it compliments others. They will be able to apply these learnings to other’s interpersonal patterns and in so doing, gain insights from which to apply new methods to enable participants to be at their best.

Participants must have already taken the MB instrument, and had it debriefed.  This can be easily arranged through creativityland.

  • Review what the letters of the code signify
  • Relate the mental functions as described by psychologist Carl Jung to personality codes
  • Associate the mental functions with archetypes
  • Journey with the archetypes to get inside creativity areas of strength
  • Create a statement of their creative strengths and a list of areas for development

® MBTI, Myers-Briggs, Myers Briggs, and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust in the United States and other countries.


Additional workshops

Overcoming team dysfunctions; quick communication to enliven meeting participation; creative problem solving facilitation and training and creativity thinking tools, methods and techniques; challenges to do the new.


Program configuration

Whether you have a half day, full day and of two-day or longer participant involvement intention, keeping in mind that time dedicated to a session gives optics to its perceived benefit and value to those involved. With dedicated time, certain depth and content ownership and enables learning.

creativityland’s Passport to Innovation™ program is available as an option when you want to walk a group or team through the stages of innovation to create something meaningful for your organization and at the same time give managers and leaders with training and support in communications, leadership, management, innovation management, creative thinking tools and methods, coaching and meeting facilitation.  Workshops cover this content within the context of overcoming hurdles to, planning and actually moving the business forward.


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