Global Innovation 1000 – Making Ideas Work – from Booz &Company’s R&D Report

Different people use different idea tools which relate to their task according to Booz & Company study of global R&D spending released in Strategy and Business 2012 Winter Issue. Successful innovators bring clarity to a process often described as fuzzy and vague they say. Full report here.

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On another note

The experience of creating can be approximated here, in a short reading by poet David Whyte, Finisterre.

O camiño de Santiago en Fisterra, Galicia

O camiño de Santiago en Fisterra, Galicia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Cape Finisterre is the final destination for many pilgrims on the El Camino de Santiago, Way of St. James, the pilgrimage to the shrine of the apostle Saint James the Great in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. It is a recent tradition for pilgrims to burn their clothes or boots at the end of their journey at Cape Finisterre.

Beautiful. When I first heard it I could not not associate it with the feelings people have throughout the creative process.



Marci Segal, MS, Creativity and Change Leadership, Freeing leaders’ thinking so they can create new futures.