What if schools helped students do a ‘Steve Jobs’ to land a job? Harvard Business School has a leg up.

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When I was fresh out of university I went looking for a job.  After getting fired from a number of them over the years,  I decided it was more about identifying the work that needed doing and going ahead and doing it.  Creativity professional was not a job category in the 1980′s, nor was innovation consultant.

Reminders to think different, be bold, unique and brave abound today because of the untimely passing of Steve Jobs. Here’s the irony.  Jobs creation is a huge political agenda item. Could that mean a Steve Jobs-like jobs creation?

Lots needs doing, I’m sure you agree.  Harvard Business School is taking a Steve Jobs approach to landing jobs.

According to a Wall Street Journal report covered by Business Insider

“Last year, 95% of Harvard Business School students landed jobs or launched companies within three months of graduation, reports the Wall Street Journal. And HBS intends to keep it that way — in part, by creating more entrepreneurs.

This fall the school is rolling out a new curriculum, which focuses more on ethics and “hands-on training in entrepreneurship and leadership,” its dean Nitin Nohria tells the Journal:

One of the most significant changes that we have made in our M.B.A. curriculum this year is a platform we’re calling the FIELD [field immersion experiences for leadership development] method. Students will be required to develop a micro-business. We’re going to give them $3,000, and they have to launch a product or service.”

Wouldn’t it be great if all institutions of higher learning passed along practical skills and support to enable their students’ sense of success in the society?  Thanks Harvard Business School, for showing some how it can be done.

Here’s a little inspiration for you from the man himself, may he rest in peace.