Type and Creativity

There’s a difference in the way people approach getting new ideas and making new decisions. Creativity professionals use this information to facilitate new thinking.

Some people get ideas from inside, through reflection. Others, when interacting with the world outside of themselves.

Some people get new ideas from taking a look at the physical world, others, through insights and imagining what if, connecting things that have never been associated before.

Some people make new decisions by establishing measurable criteria, or linking them to existing frameworks; others, through connecting to others or aligning the solution to personally held values.

Carl Jung’s psychological type theory provides insight into how people find new ideas and make new decisions and how these processes may differ from person to person.  When creativity professionals have this knowledge, it’s easier for them to welcome and facilitate everyone’s contribution.


I gave a presentation at the Creative Problem Solving Institute in June 2010 week to show people how to:

  • use this theory to extend their facilitation skills
  • gain knowledge about how their styles inform their approach to creativity
  • design creative thinking practices that engage all people, encouraging them to give their best

Feedback from the session revealed we accomplished another unintended goal: participants learned what others need to hear to be open to consider a new idea, very helpful, they said, when working with people who’s styles are different from your own.

Marci Segal, MS, Creativity and Change Leadership; Freeing leaders’ thinking so they can create new futures.

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